
Unloan Unordinary


Unloan by CommBank opened it's doors in 2022 and quickly started dominating the the digital refinance market. The new task was to help develop and launch their buy a home offering to the world.


Creative Director


Bronwyn Wright Steve Hanzic Kyle Abshoff Markus Tsang Unloan Marketing Team

Introduction Film

Introduction Film

Borrowing power 15"

Borrowing power 15"

Rewarding rates 15"

Rewarding rates 15"

Home faster 15"

Home faster 15"

Property check 15"

Property check 15"

Expert backup 15"

Expert backup 15"


Buying a home and getting a loan can be pretty ordinary. So with Unloan we set out to create an offering that was completely "un-ordinary".  Unleashing innovative tools, rewarding rates, and expert human support every step of the way.

From a practical stand point we needed to bring this to life and introduce the platform knowing that the full product offering would roll out at various unknown stages over the next 12 months.

Our campaign turned traditional campaign thinking on it's head. We started by identifying 8 key conversion pillars that spoke to various need states within the home buying life cycle.

For each pillar we created it's own world and support mix. They were created with the ability to continually build, optimise and pivot to what's happening in the market, where we are at as a business and to what we see is working.

Although each pillar was built to function independently, we crafted them in such a way that when needed they had the ability to seamlessly stitch together in many different ways. This allowed us to create countless new stories and variations over a very long campaign period or even just tell one wholistic top line overview when needed.

The making of

The making of

Launch asset reel

Launch asset reel

No items found.


Within the first weeks of launch the campaign drove record numbers to the Unloan website and hit record application starts. This flow has been maintained with minor fluctuations. After 6 weeks, all high fidelity assets in market maintained a view through rate well over 50%, we also saw brand awareness increase by +320%.

The platforms construction and performance has also resulted in Google featuring the project as a bleeding edge example of best practice in modern digital marketing.

Another fun fact, the campaign was made entirely with Unloan's internal marketing team, drawing in external suppliers to help produce work where specialist networks were needed. Quite a huge achievement considering that just for launch close to 150 different assets were developed.